Porto, Portugal – November 7th, 2023: IncBio, a leading Portuguese engineering company specializing in biodiesel technology, has signed a contract with an undisclosed company in Germany to engineer and construct equipment that will enhance the profitability of an existing biodiesel plant. The focus of the project is on recovering Free Fatty Acids (FFA) from the glycerol stream and recovering excess methanol for reuse, helping the plant operate more efficiently and sustainably.

The project will involve the installation of an acidulation process to convert soap, which is mixed with glycerol, back into recoverable FFAs. These FFAs can then be separated and sold in the market, creating a new revenue stream for the plant. Additionally, all excess methanol, including methanol mixed with water from the glycerol and other streams, will be processed through a distillation column to remove water and recover methanol with technical-grade purity, which will be reused in the biodiesel production process.

To streamline the installation and minimize downtime, all equipment will be delivered in modular skids. This skidded construction approach, which IncBio has successfully employed in previous projects, allows the equipment to be pre-assembled at IncBio’s facility and delivered ready for quick on-site assembly. This method reduces installation time and cost, ensuring the plant can be up and running with minimal disruption.

José Marques, CEO of IncBio, stated: “This project will not only improve the operational efficiency of our client’s biodiesel plant but also introduce new profit avenues through the recovery of valuable byproducts like FFAs. The skidded design ensures a fast and cost-effective installation, allowing the plant to quickly capitalize on the improvements.”

Operations are expected to begin in early 2025, positioning the plant for improved profitability and sustainability.