MOU signed for ultrasonic biodiesel technology joint venture

Porto, Portugal – June 18, 2012: International Procurement Tools LLC of Reno, Nev., and Incbio of Trofa, Portugal, announced June 18 the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to form a joint venture to cooperate in the sale, marketing, distribution design and installation of Incbio’s breakthrough ultrasonic cavitation technology worldwide.

The biodiesel industry has had its best year of production in 2011, but the profit margins have been dwindling due to the high cost of feedstock and the rising cost of production. The new cavitation systems offer much more flexibility in the selection of oil-bearing feedstock from higher FFA greases to complex acceptance of the new algae that are starting to appear. The new facilities’ returns on investment promise to be shorter and production cycles simpler.

“We are in no sense abandoning the esterification units pioneered by the University of Kassel,” said Peter Brown, IPT president and co-founder. “We are offering our clients an alternative that will meet most of their requirements. As a matter of fact, the balance of plant remains the same proven design and we anticipate orders from existing facilities in retrofitting these new units into older facilities. We are very happy to work with Incbio in order to meet the demands of the market, allow more flexibility in production and meet the upcoming governmental biodiesel requirements. We already have a commitment from the largest biodiesel production project in Canada to install the new reactors on their site.”

“Incbio is proud to partner with IPT in order to penetrate new markets, develop new avenues for our patented systems and benefit from their contacts, marketing and reputation,” said Jose Marques, CEO and co-founder of Incbio. “

The first Canadian contract secured together with IPT will not only be the largest biodiesel facility in Canada, but will be our best proof of concept that we can offer. If all goes according to plan, we anticipate about 600,000 tons (180 million gallons) of biodiesel in production using our systems by year’s end. Our research has further uncovered a number of other possibilities for ultrasonic cavitation outside of biodiesel production.” The new systems are available for installation in any existing biodiesel facility that produces either ASTM or EN quality fuel. Pricing and quotes are available on signing of an NDA/NCA with either IncBio or IPT.

IPT provides all the services required to design, build and exploit biodiesel facilities in international markets. IPT actively identifies and pursues the right contact threads to locate and approach every company, official or service you may require to get your project underway.

Incbio started life in Portugal in 2006 with the production of domestic biodiesel processors and small-scale commercial biodiesel processors. Having since grown to become the largest biodiesel equipment provider in the country, since 2008 the company started working on the construction of large-scale biodiesel equipment, with ultrasonic biodiesel reactors, pioneering equipment that will revolutionize the biodiesel industry in years to come.

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