Rendering Plants

Turning Animal Byproducts into Value

At IncBio, we specialize in the design and construction of advanced rendering plants that convert animal byproducts into valuable commodities such as fats, proteins, and biofuels. Rendering plays a crucial role in reducing waste and promoting sustainability in the meat processing industry. Our state-of-the-art rendering systems are engineered to handle a wide range of animal byproducts, turning them into useful materials while adhering to strict regulatory standards.

Efficient and Sustainable Rendering Solutions

The rendering process involves the thermal treatment of animal waste materials such as fat, bones, and offal to separate fats from proteins. This sustainable process allows us to transform low-value byproducts into valuable commodities that can be used in a variety of applications, including animal feed, biofuels, and industrial products.

At IncBio, our rendering plants are designed to handle multiple categories of animal byproducts, classified by risk level:

  • Category 1 (Cat 1): High-risk materials such as specified risk materials (SRM) are processed and safely disposed of through incineration or other secure methods. These materials are not suitable for reuse in food or feed applications but can contribute to waste-to-energy recovery.
  • Category 2 (Cat 2): These materials, while not suitable for consumption, can be processed into products like fertilizers or used for energy recovery.
  • Category 3 (Cat 3): Low-risk materials are processed into high-value products such as animal feed, pet food, biodiesel, and more. These materials offer significant value by transforming waste into usable resources.

Advanced Processing for High-Value Outputs

Our rendering plants are equipped with the latest technologies to ensure efficient processing, sterilization, and refining of animal byproducts. The process includes:

  • Thermal Treatment: Cooking at high temperatures to break down animal waste and separate fats from proteins.
  • Fat Refining: Producing high-quality tallow or lard for use in biodiesel, lubricants, cosmetics, and animal feed.
  • Protein Meal Production: Creating nutrient-rich protein meals that serve as essential ingredients for animal feed and other applications.

Meeting Industry Standards

At IncBio, we adhere to the highest industry standards to ensure that our rendering plants not only meet regulatory requirements but also contribute to a circular economy by maximizing resource recovery and minimizing environmental impact. Our rendering plants are designed to be scalable and adaptable to the specific needs of each client, providing solutions for a wide range of materials and industries.

Partner with IncBio to turn animal byproducts into value while reducing waste and promoting sustainability. Our rendering solutions are the key to unlocking the full potential of animal byproducts in a safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly manner.

Contact us today with your enquiry.