Biodiesel and Glycerine Distillation
Biodiesel Distillation
When producing Biodiesel from waste products, we cannot always guarantee that the end product will meet the EN14214 specification using our standard equipment. This is not because of our process, it is simply a reality with some low quality feedstock.

But this does not mean that the Biodiesel standard cannot be achieved. With IncBio’s short path wiped film evaporators (WFE), we offer highly efficient and cost effective Biodiesel distillation columns, for plants of any size.
We can ensure that the Biodiesel produced will consistently meet the standards, and most of the times exceed them, meaning that even as the standards get ever stricter, our Biodiesel plants are always able to adapt to the new requirements and be at the forefront of quality Biodiesel production.
Whether the problem is unreacted mono, di and triglycerides, polymerized triglycerides, or failure to meet the ASTM 6751 cold soak filtration test, our Biodiesel distillation columns are certain to solve it.
Working at an extremely high vacuum, they are able to work at lower temperatures than traditional distillation columns, thus reducing energy consumption, and guaranteeing that there is no degradation in the product.
Glycerine Distillation
The main by-product of Biodiesel production is glycerine. With the significant uptake of Biodiesel production seen in recent years, the marketplace has been flooded with this crude glycerine (approximately 80% purity). Initially this crude product could fetch decent prices in the market, but this is not the case anymore, currently only negligible prices are offered. But this by-product’s revenue generating potential should not be ignored.
It amounts to approximately 10% of the total Biodiesel produced, and with further refinement it can become a valuable addition to a Biodiesel plant’s profits. Additionally if it is not refined, this form of glycerine must either be disposed of to landfill, or be sold off to market for a minimal amount due to the water, soap and salt content.
The price volatility of glycerine, primarily caused by biodiesel production, has resulted in massive changes in the glycerine refining sector. The demand for refined glycerine, technical grade and higher, has risen and is starting to stabilize. This is why IncBio has focused on providing glycerine refinement equipment, helping biodiesel plants turn a profit with their finished glycerine, whilst avoiding high disposal fees or negligible returns from their crude glycerine.
By refining their glycerine to >97% purity, plants can now sell off their glycerine for a much higher return and create a new and very important revenue stream for their plant.
Contact us today with your enquiry.