Palm Oil Extraction Mill Technology

Innovative Solutions for High-Efficiency Palm Oil Extraction

IncBio’s cutting-edge palm oil extraction technology revolutionizes the industry by introducing highly efficient, eco-friendly processes that significantly outperform traditional methods. With a focus on improving Oil Extraction Rate (OER), reducing water consumption, and minimizing effluents, our technology sets a new standard for palm oil mills worldwide.

Key Benefits of IncBio’s Palm Oil Extraction Technology:

  • +25% OER: Achieves a higher oil extraction rate, consistently above 25%, compared to the industry average of 20%.
  • -50% Water Usage: Reduces water consumption by half, using only 200 liters per ton of Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB).
  • -60% Effluents: Cuts effluent production by 60%, generating only 400-500 liters of waste per ton of FFB.
IncBio Industrial Ultrasonic Reactor

Proven Technology

IncBio’s technology has been successfully implemented and fine-tuned at an industrial scale in a 20 MT/hour Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB) mill in Colombia, where it has been operational for over five years with exceptional results. This proven success highlights the reliability and efficiency of our system in real-world applications.


How It Works

1. FFB Reception and Shredding: Fresh Fruit Bunches are automatically received and processed, minimizing human intervention and preventing losses during transport. The FFB are shredded to stop lipase action, ensuring higher oil yields.

2. Sterilization: Dynamic sterilization of shredded FFB is completed in just 35-40 minutes, consuming 150 kg of steam per ton of FFB. Unlike traditional methods, no steam is wasted, and there is no loss of oil to the bunches.

3. Oil Extraction: The sterilized FFB undergoes digestion and pressing to extract Crude Palm Oil (CPO). The process ensures that 100% of the FFB is pressed for maximum oil yield, with minimal oil lost in the biomass.

4. Effluent Treatment: Our advanced separation techniques keep oil losses to a mere 0.2% of the FFB. The total effluent output is reduced to 400-450 kg per ton of FFB, significantly lowering environmental impact.

5. Biomass Valorization: The dry biomass generated from the process can be repurposed as fuel for boilers, compost, or even converted into valuable biofuels through gasification.

Environmental and Operational Advantages

  • No Methane Emissions: Our technology eliminates the need for oxidation lagoons, which are traditionally a major source of methane emissions.
  • High Efficiency: The system consumes 25% less electricity per ton of FFB processed compared to conventional methods.
  • Sustainability: By recovering oil from biomass and minimizing waste, IncBio’s solution aligns with global sustainability goals, offering a cleaner, greener alternative to traditional palm oil extraction.

Modular Design for Easy Implementation

The modular design of IncBio’s extraction mills allows for scalability and flexibility in implementation. The entire system is designed for quick installation and seamless integration into existing operations, reducing downtime and maximizing efficiency.

Contact us today with your enquiry