
IncBio’s bleaching systems are very efficient in removing residual gums, metals, soaps, oxidants and colouring compounds in oils and fats. The systems can either be done in conjunction with degumming, by adding phosphoric acid and then proceeding directly to bleaching, or independently from degumming.

In either case, the bleaching system removes trace gums from the oil, which promotes a much higher purity. Our systems use ultrasonic reactors in order to achieve a high degree of mixing the bleaching earth with the oil and attain maximum efficiency. Both bleaching earth and silica, or a mix of both can be used, and the correct mix is chosen depending on the feedstock properties.

The system is completed with a Vertical Pressure Leaf filter, which completely removes the bleaching agents, whilst leaving a very dry cake with minimal oil loss. As a further improvement on the industry, we are also able to recover the oil left in the cake should our clients require it.

Contact us today with your enquiry.